The Curran Family Singers!

Well, it’s been over a week since my last blog post. I’ve been pretty busy at work catching up on bits and pieces, starting one or two new projects.

Annie, however, has finally caught the GarageBand bug! I’ve now made my laptop a permanent resident at home and we’ve given the PC we had to some friends. So because we’re now a Mac-only household it’s meant Annie’s been able to spend some time using it to make some music.

‘Flamily’ singing

So, with all this music-making going on we thought we’d record a track especially for the blog, so we now proudly present the first ever track from ‘The Curran Family Singers’! ‘Row-Row’ is our rendition of that famous nursery rhyme, it’s in MP3 format so you should all be able to listen to it.

Row-Row.mp3 (750kb approx)

We hope you enjoy it! (Annie wouldn’t let me keep my voice distorted to sound like a robot so you’ll have to out up with my singing voice!)

‘Flamily’ is how Natalie pronounces ‘Family’ and it’s so cute that it’s hard to discourage or correct her!


So, with having my Powerbook laptop at home now I wanted to be able to hook it up to my stereo so that we could play all of our music. We put almost all of our CD’s away in boxes recently as we wanted to get rid of our CD towers which were taking up space and which also weren’t big enough to hold it all anyway!

I have all of our music in digital form at work and also on my iPod too, so it made sense to have it at home too. So with the addition of an external hard-drive we’ve now got all of our music (over 5500+ tracks, 30gb, enough music to play for three weeks continuously!) and also our Photo archive (Over 3500 photos at least!) in one place too.

We can now listen to all of our music and it doesn’t take up much space! The only drawback is currently we have to hook the computer up via a really long cable, the next addition will need to be an Airport Express base station that will allow the music to be beamed to the amplifier wirelessly!

Cool, that was family stuff and geek stuff one blog post!

Requests for further songs to be recorded are welcome!



Well, what’s been happening? I’ve just been working away on some other projects that have been on the back-burner due to TheBigProject? I was working on.

Helped my friend Daryl get a site up and running for the new outdoor concrete skatepark being built in Dundee. is the address, it’s another site based on my Blog engine so it’s good to get another site using it. The site has some construction progress shots on it which is the main reason for using the Blog engine for it.

My friend Alyn has just started VideoBlogging on his Blog site too, so go and check that out, the first episode is about a trip to Texas he and his wife AJ made recently. Pretty interesting, plus Alyn plans to end each one with a card trick! Check it out. We’re planning on getting a vBlog together soon to so watch this space!

For the geeky bit today I present Microsoft’s poor attempt to be cool and innovative, As Apple said in 2004, “Redmond, start your photcopiers“!!!

Well, that’s about it for now, I’ll end with a picture of my beautiful daughter on the day she got new shoes!

Yay! New Shoes!

Done, dusted, delivered.

Yep, the big job I’ve been working on is now finished, the only problem we had was trying to upload a Toast file of the finished hybrid CD to the client’s FTP server, so we had to send it express mail instead. It’s good to have it finished and the client is happy with it too, nice.

To celebrate getting it finished I gave Annie an iPod Shuffle to say thanks for putting up with my general stressed, tired, absent self whilst working on this project. She was happy as I know she’s wanted an iPod for a while, it’s good to have a happy wife ;)

Well, in order to counter-act the general geeky nature of this blog so far (I did warn it would be like this!) here’s some family pictures (I’ll add stuff about CSS, PHP, XHTML and other acronyms another time!).

Nat, Mom, Dad, Cake. Nat, Mom, Dad and Cake. My birthday, 27/08/05.

Nat and Daddy read a book Nat and Daddy read a book.

Nat and Pooh Natalie and Pooh bear. (I think Pooh was talking too much!)

Well, that’s all for this post, oh, apart from one last bit of geekiness. I’ve been trying out the new Firefox 1.5 Beta and it’s pretty good, you can drag tabs to re-arrange them which is pretty useful. Also, for Apple Mac users like myself it’s good news as keyboard commands like up/down arrows for scrolling pages work now too, it generally feels more responsive too. Anyway, good night!


More progress, Geek talk about my project

Yep, did a little work on the layout of the site so it’s looking a little bit better. A bit more tweaking to do, plus I haven’t checked it in IE on windows so I’m not certain it’s all sitting the way it should, I’ll get round to checking it soon.

So, what else? making good progress on the Flash/Director project I’m working on, hopefully get that all finished on Thursday and get it sent to the client for final approval, it’s been a tough job with quite a few challenges. It’s one thing to get up to speed on new software but it’s another thing to deal with unexpected bugs / glitches, it’s been one issue after another on this job.

I said I’d talk about this project so I might as well start, the project is a piece of software that is used to choose and assemble individual PDF pages and assemble them into books. The framework for the software is made up of Director MX 2004 and uses a Flash MX 2004 movie as the main interface aspect. It also uses Tabuleiro’s Arca database Xtra and Integration New Media’s Impressario Xtra for PDF processing.

One of the biggest issues I faced (right near the end of the project!) was a weird issue with a Flash movie with several MM listbox components running inside the Director projector running on Win XP. I had no problems in any other OS, Win 98 / 2000, Mac OSX/OS9. The application would freeze when clicking on a listbox item, I figured out that it only happened on machines with slower processors running XP which is why I hadn’t spotted it as my main test PC was obviously able to cope.

There was no solution other than to change the listboxes, so I bought a set of Ghostwire Studios components and they fixed the problem. The only drawback was that it meant I had to recode a fair bit as they don’t share the exact same API as the Macromedia components set, however, they’re more lightweight and don’t cause the problem!

It’s been good working with Director again, I haven’t used it much for years so it was interesting getting into it again. It was weird working with Flash inside of it as it meant using a mixture of Flash Actionscript and Director’s Lingo syntax, plus Director lets you use Javascript syntax too now so there’s so many ways to do things, it get’s kind of confusing though!

Well, I’m going to leave it there, time to go and sleep! Oh yeah, I did say this was a place for me to geek out!


Get your blog on…

Well, finally I’m going to start blogging, I’ve had this site sitting here for ages but hadn’t got round to doing anything about it. It still needs a visual identity but I thought I’d just get on with posting anyway.

So what’s my blog about? well, topics will revolve about the things I’m interested in, it’s part technology blog (web development, graphic design), part family diary (photos, stories) and just a place for me to write about what I’m thinking about, it’s as much for my own enjoyment as for anybody else to read.

Suburbia is definitely a place for me to geek out though! Currently I’m working on some development using Flash / Director and it’s raised a lot of challenges, so I’m hoping to throw in some of my experiences there.

Also, the actual blog engine running this site is one of my own projects so I’ll be actively developing that more over the next few months. You can see another couple of blogs based on it,, which is my friend Alyn’s blog and also which is a blog site documenting the construction progress of a concrete skatepark being built in Dundee just now.

So, that’s it for this first blog post, next step is sort it out visually and get it looking better.
