An illustrated history of iOS

Back in December 2014 I published a post about a great “llustrated history of Mac OSX” made by the makers of the Git client ‘Tower’ for Mac and Windows Since that time they have continued to update it to include more recent releases (and also the change the title to use “macOS” as Apple’s OS is known as now).

I noticed recently that the team at Tower have now followed up their OSX / macOS history with an “Illustrated history of iOS” which is a great concise history of Apple’s mobile operating system. It’s a nice little run through of the progress of iOS from 2007 until now.

Sidenote: I see Tower have just launched a public beta of an all-new version of their Git client, find out more on their blog:

Review: ‘You Gotta See This!’

"You Gotta See This!" is a photography app by Boinx software for the new iPhone 4 which makes use of the gyroscope feature to quickly capture panographic images.

It’s a pretty fun app to use to capture some unusual images. You just press the button and it starts to record images as you move around the scene you’re trying to take photos of and then it overlays all the captured images rendered as one big image which can rendered using several themes.

You can then post these themes to Facebook, Twitter etc and save them to the camera roll on the iPhone.

if you’ve got an iPhone 4 it’s a cheap (£1.19) little app that makes use of the new hardware features offered by the iPhone 4. Here’s a few more sample images made using it: