Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Soundbooth CS4 Betas now on Adobe Labs

Following on from last years move of offering a public beta of Photoshop CS3 Adobe have announced three new public betas of their CS4 applications.

You can download betas of Dreamweaver CS4, Fireworks CS4 and Soundbooth CS4 from labs.adobe.com. You’ll find all the details of the new features in development on each application’s page, here’s a few notable feature headings for each application:

Dreamweaver CS4

  • Related Files – included files such as CSS, JS, PHP etc show in a bar at the top of the document making it easy to see what’s linked into your page.
  • Code hinting for Ajax and JavaScript frameworks – improved support for JavaScript core objects and primitive data types. Work with popular JavaScript frameworks including jQuery, Prototype, and Spry.
  • Subversion integration – Use Subversion repositories directly within Dreamweaver.
  • New user interface – Updated user interface in common with the rest of the CS4 apps

Check out Dreamweaver CS4 on Adobe Labs →

Fireworks CS4

  • New user interface – Updated user interface in common with the rest of the CS4 apps
  • CSS and Images Export – Design web pages in Fireworks then export web standards-compliant CSS layouts, complete with external style sheets in one step.
  • Live Style improvements – When you update a style all elements the style has been applied to are instantly updated.

Check out Fireworks CS4 on Adobe Labs →

Soundbooth CS4

  • Arranging audio files on multiple tracks
  • Adjusting tempo and pitch
  • Recording and polishing voice-overs
  • Previewing MP3 compression quality

Check out Soundbooth CS4 on Adobe Labs →

Head over to http://labs.adobe.com now to check them out. Please note that these betas are only available to anyone with a valid CS3 suite or application, you will need to provide your serial number in order to download the beta versions.

Yummy Adobe CS3 Goodness

I’ve now got the Adobe CS3 Web Premium Suite installed on my Mac, very nice it is too!

Some new CS3 apps in my dock

I’m planning on writing some more about some of the new features once I spend a bit more time with the suite as a whole.

Other news

Other news is Alyn’s website seemed to get hacked yesterday somehow, but it’s all fixed now. Oh wait, that reminds me, AJ has gone into labour! ;)
